PUMA Supports Environmental Movie ´HOME´

PUMA brings us HOME
Sportlifestyle company PUMA supports the environmental movie “HOME,” directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, photographer and author of “Earth From Above”, and produced by Luc Besson (from the movie LEON). The movie was released worldwide on 5 June 2009 — the World Environment Day — in cinemas, on DVD, and for free on television and the Internet. Through the PUMAVision category puma.creative PUMA will endorse showings of the movie in cultural institutions in Africa and beyond.

The documentary about environmental issues, which was filmed across fifty countries and shot entirely from the sky in high definition, offers a powerful commentary on the major environmental and social issues challenging our world and calls for a new awareness that protecting the earth is indispensable. It is the result of a collaboration between the photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand, the producer and director Luc Besson and Francois-Henri Pinault, the Chief Executive of the French luxury group PPR — the majority shareholder of PUMA and the world exclusive partner of HOME.

“Creating awareness of our environment´s emergency state is crucial and the first step for an improved handling of our natural resources,” said Jochen Zeitz, Chairman and CEO of PUMA. “In line with our PUMAVision concept, PUMA has implemented numerous environmental initiatives through various programs that aim at reducing our ´paw print´ — the effects that PUMA´s operations and actions have on the environment. The HOME film inspires us to work towards making a positive contribution to our planet. We hope that it will inspire audiences everywhere,” he added.

puma.creative funds the screening of HOME at the Planetarium in Cape Town in South Africa, at the National Museum of Nairobi in Kenya and at the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) in Boston, organized in cooperation with the French Cultural Service amongst others.

It is the first movie to be released simultaneously across all media and all continents. The simultaneous worldwide release provides as many people as possible with the opportunity to watch this profound documentary as a global collective. Any proceeds from the sale of merchandising products related to the film will be donated to the organization www.goodplanet.org.

PUMAVision unites all PUMA initiatives that come under the heading ´Corporate Social Responsibility´, giving them a coherent direction and framework. It comes from a vision of a world that is better than the one we know now — a world that is safer, more peaceful and more creative. The PUMAVision programs puma.safe, puma.peace and puma.creative reflect PUMA´s commitment to social and environmental responsibility and define the partnerships and initiatives PUMA will support and pursue.

For more information about the film, visit http://www.home-2009.com

Very cool. Well done PUMA!

The free screenings will be shown at the Whale Well of the Iziko South African Museum on 16 June at 12pm and 2pm.

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