Parabens…! What´s The Big Deal?

Beware of the Paraben!

After giving you a ´What to Avoid´ list, I thought you might like to know why you should be avoiding these ingredients.If you are anything like me, you will need a reason not to do something and not just told to do so! I also feel that if one knows the nasty effects of these ingredients it will also make the switch to natural products easier, I know it did for me.

The first ´baddie´ I´m going to introduce to you are parabens. Parabens are chemical preservatives used in many cosmetic and beauty products. Even some ´organic´ and ´all natural´ products contain parabens, so always read the labels carefully.

Parabens can be found in shampoos, moisturisers, shaving gels, cleansing gels, personal lubricants, topical pharmaceuticals and toothpaste. They are also sometimes used as food additives in certain products. A huge percentage of everyday products contain some form of paraben, which can make it difficult to find those that don´t use them.

Now, there have been studies that show parabens are not as harmful as some say they are but here at liveeco, we´d rather err on the precautionary side. So with that, here is what parabens could be doing to your body.

Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen which is known to play a role in the development of breast cancers and are therefore possibly carcinogenic. A 2004 study published by the Journal of Applied Toxicology found traces of 5 parabens in the breast cancer tumors of 19 out of 20 women studied.

How Do They Enter our Bodies?

Parabens are absorbed through the skin directly into the bloodstream and because they are not ingested and subsequently broken down by the liver, these chemicals enter the body at full effect.

Not only do they enter the bloodstream but they also enter the water supply as they wash down the drain! Water treatment plants are unable to remove the parabens from the water and we therefore end up re-ingesting these chemicals and over time the concentration of parabens in our bodies builds up to unhealthy levels.

What Are the Alternatives?

Natural preservatives include Vitamin E, grapefruit seed extract and essential oils such as lemon, lavender and tea tree oil.
Now ladies, I know there are some of you out there who are reluctant to let go of your tried and ´trusted´ moisturiser or shampoo and are even scared or skeptical of changing over the natural side – I know I was one – but don´t be there are some fabulous natural products out there. Amongst the favorites of the liveeco team are Dr Hauschka´s Rose Day Light Cream and Esse´s Light Moisturiser.

So go out there, get as much information you can, educate yourself, your friends and your family so that you can make informed, green choices! But most of all have fun and enjoy discovering new natural favorites, it´s what being an eco chic girl is all about!

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