No Doubt: The globe is warming

The British Met Office has released world-wide temperature data into the public domain to give evidence that the globe is warming.

The British Met Office has published station temperature records for over 1,500 of the stations that make up the global land surface temperature record. The data shows that global-average land temperatures have risen over the last 150 years and that global warming has increased since the 1970s.

According to Reuters, the Met Office Hadley Centre has published the data to increase transparency and support evidence that the globe is warming.

The release is a response to the series of leaked e-mails from the University of East Anglia. The e-mails indicated that some climate experts were suppressing others´ data to enhance their own, Reuters reports.

The Met Office will continue to put as much of the station temperature record as possible into the public domain. When international approvals are in place, the remaining station records – around 5,000 in total – will be released.

Source: COP15

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