Ascension launches bamboo yoga range

Just in time for the New Year, post over-indulging during the festive season losing the additional pounds is on the forefront of our minds. Perfect timing then as Ascension are launching their first own-label yoga range in super soft bamboo jersey.
Having been advised by avid yoga fans we know that comfort and fit are paramount as are ease of movement and total freedom in all postures as you don’t want to be distracted by your clothes. But equally you don’t want to compromise in the style stakes – you never know who you might be doing downward dog next to!
Bamboo really was the natural choice for the range for its fantastic properties. Not only does it feel extremely soft and luxurious on the skin, it has the added bonus of being highly absorbent and antibacterial hence eliminates smell – great for those sweaty moments. Bamboo is 100% sustainable, biodegradable, can be harvested throughout year and tends to improve soil quality on degraded land.
The range consists of fold down trousers, cuffed crops, racer back vest, basic T-shirt, hooded sweater and a comfy cardigan.
Ascension also stocks a great range of yoga mats by Mad Yoga.  

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