The Real Dirt on Farmer John

If you´re in the Cape Town area and looking for something green to watch this weekend, we´d like to recommend that you watch The Real Dirt on Farmer John, one of our all-time favourite documentaries which will be screened at the Labia on Sunday 24 January at 4:30pm as part of the Sunday Bloody Slamdance Film Festival.

This film tells the epic tale of a loveable maverick farmer in the American Midwest who is castigated as a pariah in his conservative community as he bravely transforms his farm. Against the odds, Farmer John succeeds in creating a bastion of free expression and a revolutionary new form of sustainable agriculture in rural America. It´s a must see!

As an extra attraction, Director Taggart Siegel and Farmer John will be on skype for an after-screening Q&A hosted by filmmaker Robyn Rourke.

The Labia
68 Orange Street
Gardens, Cape Town
021 424 5927


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