The liveeco eco-chic Challenge: Part 1

Written by: Jessica Solomons

liveeco is challenging you to go green for the month of May.  Before you panic, remember that being eco-chic doesn’t mean making big sacrifices like trading in your BMW for a bike. Little changes can make a big difference. It’s time to get creative and think green for the good of the earth!

May 1st: Recycle, refashion and renew

If your wardrobe is bulging with unwanted clothes don’t just bin them. Visit Rewardrobe in Cape Town and recycle them for a good price. Rewardrobe sells second hand and vintage clothing and accessories so you’ll not only be helping a fellow fashionista spruce up their closet, but you’ll make some extra cash too! Rewardrobe takes 50% commission on any items of yours sold – the rest goes straight into your pocket. With the rainy season about to set in, Rewardrobe is on the hunt for winter clothes so check out their website today and get trading!

May 2nd: Stock up on Eco-Conscious Beauty Brands

Now that you’ve taken care of your closet, it’s time to focus on your beauty regime. With the change of season you might find your skin needs a little extra nourishment. The Wild Olive range offers great products that’ll help protect your skin this winter. They’ve got everything from body lotions to hair care products and it’s all natural!

May 3rd: Makeup that Makes a Difference

M.A.C’s range of cosmetics keeps us looking our best and now they’re doing their part to keep the planet looking good too. With its Back to M.A.C recycle initiative you can earn yourself a free lipstick by simply returning six used M.A.C primary packaging containers to any M.A.C counter countrywide. What better reason to start stashing those empty bottles of foundation now!

May 4th: Head Outdoors

We know it’s winter and you’re not feeling motivated to exercise at all let alone venture outdoors, but we recommend you ditch the electrically powered machines at the gym and hit the pavements instead. Think about the money you’ll be saving!

May 5th: Green up your Grocery List

Gone are the days of organic food being in short supply in SA. Now there are organic markets and stores all over the country so wherever you are, you can load up on natural goodies. Check out the Bryanston Organic Food Market, the Killarney Organic Food Market and for Cape Town’s best organic offers.

May 6th: Get Reading

The best way to become an eco-conscious citizen is to educate yourself about the green movement. Al Gore’s most recent book, A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, is a must-read for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge of global warming. The more you know, the more you can help.

May 7th: Be an Eco-Friendly Yogi

If you’re a devoted yoga student it won’t be long before you wear out your mat. When that happens, instead of buying yet another rubber mat that you’ll simply have to chuck out in a few months, opt for the more eco-friendly alternative. Shanti Cape Town sells fantastic cotton mats which are not only more durable than the rubber ones, but less slippery too.

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