Renault´s 2010 ´solar paint´ car

Renault has designed an environmentally friendly concept car that combines electric power and renewable, solar energy which is captured through nano solar paint on the car. The Renault 2010 Sand Jumper uses next-generation, renewable energy technology and recycled, recyclable ecological materials.

Renault 2010 Sand Jumper looks like something you wouldn´t mind having on the beach and is designed by Luis Pedro Fonseca with an electric engine and on board battery which is recharged by the nano solar panels found in the solar paint of the car. The wheels consist of electric engines combined with a heat cell absorbing system to boost the speed of the car. The interior and body of the car consists of recycled PET bottles and other recycled or recyclable materials to make the car lightweight and ´green´.

The Renault 2010 Sand Jumper most suitable for use in the desert where there is an abundant source of sunlight!

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