For those of you who don´t know, Swishing refers to swapping an item or items of clothing or shoes or an accessory with friends or acquaintances. Parties must willingly give an item to participate in the transaction, once they have given an item they are free to choose something of interest from what others have offered.

Value does not come into the equation, swappers do not necessarily get an item of equal value and are free to choose anything that the other person if offering (without having to pay). Swishing is now being more widely practised throughout the world, and has evolved to include other items such as books and furniture.

Not only do people hold ´swishing parties´ either as a charity event or simply for the enjoyment of it (while recycling and saving money at the same time) but, there are several websites that have online swishes taking place. Such as www.bigwardrobe.com and www.whatsmineisyours.com

Swishing, the latest craze sweeping the country is ethical, eco-fabulous, social and fun. Welcome to the future of fashion” says Jess Cartner-Morley of Marie Claire Magazine, U.S.

This Saturday, 15 May 2010 @ 17:00, Cape Town will be having a ´swishing party´.

Venue: Simone´s Shangri-la: Unit 2 Warrenby Court, 44a Warren Street, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town

Wherever there are women, there are Swishing parties, from the U.S. to China, South Africa to Brazil. Join the global phenomenon. Come along and ethically refresh your wardrobe.

Rules of the Rail:

  1. Everyone must bring at least 3 item of quality clothing, shoes, bags, or accessories.
  2. You will have half an hour to browse before the swish opens.
  3. No item may be claimed before the swish opens.
  4. As soon as the swish is declared open, everyone may take what they want.
  5. Remember no biting, scratching or hair pulling!

Come along and join the fun and bring some friends, remember more people means more lovely items to swap!

Email simone.bor@gmail.com for more details.


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