One Pair of Shoes for a Month

10 December 2010 is International Human Rights Day so do your bit to help in the fight against poverty and go barefoot on 10 December!

SA fashion writer, Emily Petit-Coetzee, has taken up the challenge to wear the same pair of shoes every day for a month. Emily´s one pair of shoes have been designed and handmade by Grandt Mason of g-mo footwear. G-mo´s shoes are made from recycled material and are environmentally friendly as well as being machine washable – something that will come in handy for Emily during the one month, I´m sure!

Follow Emily´s progress in her blog, to see how her quest against poverty is proceeding.

If you believe the fight against poverty begins with the fight for universal human rights, then join the campaign. Sign the action pledge on the Barefoot Against Poverty website and go barefoot on 10 December. It’s as easy as that.


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