SOiL is a South African company producing a range of certified organic aromatherapy and bodycare products.

SOiL supplied SA´s first range of certified organic aromatherapy products and have recently followed this up with the launch of a range of certified organic body care products. These bodcare products combine the therapeutic qualities of organic essential oils with ingredients sourced from community initiatives in Africa to create a truly eco-ethical product range. A modern take on African shwe-shwe designs gives the packaging an Afro-chic feel.

SOiL has integrity and believes in organic certification. SOiL products are certified organic by ECOCERT, France. Organic certification is issued by an independent third party, who on an annual basis inspects our farming and processing facilities to ensure we meet strict organic requirements and remain truly organic-rather than just saying it.

By using SOiL products, you will enjoy an authentic organic experience and be a little kinder to yourself, your family and the environment.

Contact us

Tel: 073 460 8711
Cell: 084 622 8811
Web: and

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