Eco Date Ideas

Written by: Giulia Simolo

Sometimes it’s easy to run out of date ideas. The “dinner and a movie” option starts to sound really boring. So instead of doing the same old stuff yet again, why not think up something different? Not only will it be fun and creative, but it’ll also be green! Here’s to a more memorable date and showing some love to the environment in the process.

Have a green picnic

Picnics are a fun way to get to know someone without the stress of a bustling restaurant, but you can make picnics even more eco-friendly than being just about spending time outdoors. For instance, avoid bringing plastic or paper plates and cups with you. These get thrown away afterwards and increase the planet’s waste. Rather bring your favourite plates, glasses and silverware from home. Make sure you don’t leave any litter behind and ensure you pack natural, delicious foods to enjoy.

Head outdoors

Our country has some of the most beautiful scenery on show – so don’t miss out by being stuck indoors! Try to spend some time in nature and see what she has to offer. You and your partner could even plan a fun activity to do together, such as going sailing, surfing or for a hike. This is also a great way to avoid first-date jitters and awkward silences because you’ll have loads to talk about. Speaking of being in nature, for those in long-term relationships eager for quality time, why not go all out and leave the city altogether for a fun camping weekend? This is a great mini-holiday where you can spend time together without distractions or interruptions.

Eat in, not out

Instead of increasing your carbon footprint by driving to dinner, drinking imported wines and sitting under bright lighting at a fancy restaurant, why not whip up a romantic meal at home instead? Use delicious organic foods and treat your partner to some fine dining of your own. Keep the lights off and use (eco-friendly) candles instead for a romantic and environmentally-savvy ambiance. An added bonus is that nothing has to go to waste; you can eat any food leftovers the next day. If you’re not too fanciful in the kitchen, then at least opt for having dinner at an organic restaurant that makes locally produced food. Check out our eco directory for a list of organic markets, restaurants and coffee shops in South Africa.

Switch off technology

Decide that you won’t bring any techno gadgets on your date. This is a great way to tune out of the world for a while and focus on having some quality time with your partner, without both of you responding to messages every five seconds. There’s no doubt that trying to reconnect with your partner is often hampered by technology getting in the way. Choosing to have a “time out” from all your time-consuming gadgets is healthier for you – and the environment benefits from the energy that you’re saving.

Make a difference together

Instead of only spreading love into each other’s lives, why not do something that will benefit your community? There are many places all around you where you can donate some of your time and make a difference – plus have some fun doing it. Some ideas include serving meals at a soup kitchen or offering a helping hand at a retirement village. Get out there and do something uplifting. It has been said that helping others is a great boost to your self-esteem, plus it will make you and your partner find a new way to bond.

Feel like a teenager again

Remember those high school dates when you’d lie on the couch watching rented movies while eating potato crisps and popcorn? Well, little did you know back then these were actually pretty great green dating ideas! Instead of watching a movie on the big screen (that isn’t so green), stay at home instead. You’ll feel the flush of high school romance and the environment will love you for it.

The liveeco team

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