Give love the green light

Written by: Giulia Simolo

What happens during romantic evenings at your home might not be something you ever think of when deciding how you can lead a more eco-friendly lifestyle, but now’s the time to make your love greener! Adopt some of these ideas and it will definitely be a Valentine’s Day to remember.

Love yourself first

Before you think of your partner, you have to focus on yourself. Sometimes you don’t feel sexually confident, but in order to achieve this you have to look sexy. There are many green products that do wonders for your skin and are really good for you. For instance, argan oil is great for your skin because it slows down the ageing process and boosts regeneration of skin cells. Visit to find out more about this product that will leave you feeling sexier and refreshed. Now you’ve got the raw materials for a hot night with your partner and can allow yourself to enjoy it.

Bottled green

There are few things more sensual and romantic than giving each other a massage. But use an organic range of oils such as those featured on the Aromatherapy properties can be very good for your skin because they don’t contain any harmful ingredients. Be creative with the oils you choose and find ones that match what it is you want. For instance, sweet almond oil is odourless, contains vitamins such as A, B and E and is great for nourishing skin. Perfect for some TLC!

Flick the switch

A romantic mood often requires some dimming of the lights, don’t you think? It’s great for ambiance but also scores points when saving the amount of energy you use in your household. But go one step further. Instead of keeping the lights dim, rather switch them off completely. In order to give you a gentle, flattering light, use a few eco-friendly candles that are made out of soy and beeswax. You could even use this as inspiration for a romantic, organic meal by candlelight.

Eat your greens

Speaking of food, the talk of aphrodisiacs regularly crops up when the subject turns to love and sex. But if you’re thinking of enjoying a more eco-friendly, healthier meal, are there any organic foods that double up as aphrodisiacs? The answer is yes. There are many foods that can get you in the mood, such as avocados, almonds, chillies and cacao (the real dark chocolate, though, not just any chocolate bar found in your kitchen cabinets). Click here for a more comprehensive list of foods to try during your romantic Valentine’s Day dinner.

Before you head to those sheets…

When last did you wonder if your bed sheets were healthy for the environment? Chances are they haven’t really filtered into your mind much, but sheets made from more sustainable and organic materials, such as bamboo, are a good bet. Bamboo plants grow quickly without needing chemicals such as fertilisers and pesticides to aid the process. In this way they are different from many cottons and linens. If the manufacturing process to make the sheets also doesn’t make use of harmful chemicals, then the bamboo sheets are organic. Always check the labels just to make sure!

Water works

Soaping down before sex is a great way to relax after a difficult day at the office – and in the spirit of keeping things green, it’s a good idea to share that bath or shower with your partner. This two-for-one splash idea definitely scores points when it comes to being romantic and spontaneous, but it’s also got its eye on the environment as it will save water!

The liveeco team

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