Fairtrade Label South Africa

We are the local marketing organisation for Fairtrade and our objectives are to increase the awareness of Fairtrade in South Africa and to develop South-South trade on Fairtrade principles. In doing this, we strive to improve the lives of small-scale farmers and farm workers and to encourage sustainability in the region.

Fairtrade is the most recognised and trusted ethical certification system in the world. Fairtrade actively tackles poverty and empowers small-scale farmers and farm workers by (1) ensuring better trading, working and living conditions, (2) providing an additional premium for social, economic and environmental investments, and (3) supporting sustainable production and protection of the environment. Certified farms and traders are audited every year by an independent certification body.

Fairtrade traditionally relies on the export business, due to the wide support it receives from importers, retailers and consumer groups in Northern countries. This model is however changing with more and more consumers in the South demanding to actively support Fairtrade.

There are a variety of Fairtrade products currently available in local shops, including wine, coffee, tea, sugar and chocolate. Visit our website for more information and make Fairtrade your choice!

Fairtrade Label South Africa
Entrance E, Collingwood Place
20 Anson Street, Observatory
7925 Cape Town

Tel: +27 21 4488911
Fax: +27 21 4483665
Email: info@fairtrade.org.za
Website: www.fairtradesa.org.za

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