A chat with Yvo De Boer…

On Friday I was among a team of journos, lucky enough to meet Yvo De Boer, who is now KPMG’s top international sustainability and climate change expert (formerly the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP) who was a central figure at the COP15). De Boer was here to release the Carbon Chasm report of the JSE 100 companies’ responses to the Carbon Disclosure Project. It was released in Joburg last week and was released in Cape Town on Friday.

It was great to hear his thoughts on business and climate change ahead of COP 17 which is taking place in Durban later this year.

Yvo noted that climate change is definitely something South African businesses are taking seriously but did raise concern about the effects of the proposed carbon tax could have on the poor.

Regarding our renewable energy sources he regards wind and solar as having major potential in SA and admits that we do have an abundance of coal so should continue to utilse this as an energy source but as cleanly as possible and that even nuclear may provide a significant energy source for many countries in the future. When the topic of fracking was raised, Yvo did add that it´s important to look at the effects of the process before going ahead.

An important matter raised was the effect the world´s debt crisis is having on climate change. And the reality is that it is preventing climate change solutions as money is having to be pumped elsewhere to try and save economies, especially in Europe. But that the crisis has had a positive spin off as it has made politicians realise that there does need to be a change in their thinking.

When I asked about emission trading, Yvo reckons this is a great idea as it provides a way for developing countries to attract investment thereby greening economies in the third world.

Lets hope COP 17 brings about some real solutions this time round! Keep your eyes on the site as we´ll be bringing you updates of the conference in December.

Nics xx

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