Avant Garde design update

Check out how the DAF second years are doing so far with Avant Garde. The theme we gave them to work with is “The Cape Floral Kingdom” and they are free to interpret this in any way they like. I´m loving Callen´s reference to the invasion of alien vegetation.

These are the preliminary designs presented by some of the second years. The designs were ambitious, with one student wanting to create an elaborate wedding dress, and it was tricky for them to conceptualize the garments without knowing what fabrics and colours they were going to have to work with. Many students want to create something completely new by cutting up numerous garments, while others focused on deconstruction and re-using sleeves, cuffs and buttonstands into their up-cycled ensembles.

Since receiving the clothing donations students have been forced to re-think their designs. The entire process is encouraging them to re-evaluate their design process and to learn to work with what they have been given. While the core of their concepts remain in tact – it is clear that the designs will surely evolve more over the next few months.

Check out the below inspiration and storyboards from some of the designers

Anna Lane

Daniel Bradley

Callen Petersen

Tanara Dyson

Looking great so far guys, we can´t wait to see the progress. I think the judges are going to be blown away! The winning designer will win a Citizen Eco-Drive watch to the value of R10 000 as well as a Body Shop hamper and vouchers to the value of R2 500. Once the designs are complete we´ll also be hosting a Facebook competition for our fans to vote on which designs they think should win. One lucky fan stands a chance to win a Citizen Eco-Drive watch the value of R5 000. So keep an eye on the blog…

Keep the updates coming 🙂 xx


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