Six organic foods that build muscle

Written by: Giulia Simolo

If you want to increase your pecs and biceps, then what you eat is just as important as how often you train at the gym. You might not think a vegetarian or eco-friendly lifestyle will enable you to maximise your workouts, but you’re wrong.

There are many great organic foods that will help you build muscle when combined with an exercise routine, but some of them might surprise you.

Here are six organic super foods that should find their way to your kitchen.


Eggs are a super source of protein, which is a must when it comes to health and building muscle. Try to get your hands on free range organic eggs because they are the best quality. Besides for notching up protein requirements, eggs offer many nutrients and they raise your good cholesterol. But when cracking eggs, don’t throw away the yolks! Doing this is a common mistake people make when adding eggs to their diet, yet the yolk offers many more nutrients than the egg white.

Got milk?

Dairy products are essential for building muscle because they contain glutamine, an amino acid that maintains muscle mass and helps you recover faster after an intense workout. It also enables a good energy supply to your muscles, so make sure you get your regular intake of milk, yoghurt and cheese. The bonus of choosing organic dairy is that it’s richer in glutamine than non-organic alternatives.

Choose brown over white

When enjoying a rice dish, make sure you swap the white for brown! Brown rice is a great source of fibre but it’s also packed with gama-aminobutyric acid, a mouthful otherwise known as GABA. This is a powerful amino acid that boosts the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in the body. This is an essential hormone if you want to increase your muscle mass. By exercising and throwing brown rice into your diet regularly, your body will build muscle at a faster rate because your HGH levels will be boosted.

Leafy greens

Popeye was onto something with his love of spinach. Make sure you include this super food into your diet because it’s an essential part of a fitter lifestyle. Spinach contains beta-ecdysterone that promotes the body’s muscle building ability. It also contains double the amount of fibre and iron than other green vegetables. Organic spinach is your best bet because it won’t contain harmful chemicals such as pesticides – remember that spinach is one of the highest pesticide-containing foods, so it’s worth keeping your greens as green as possible.

Sweeten things up

Potassium is a must-have when wanting to build muscle because it helps to convert the body’s macronutrients, such as protein and carbohydrates, into muscle building fuel. A great source of potassium resides in sweet potatoes. Not only delicious, sweet potatoes are a great vegetable for muscle strengthening as they contain potassium and antioxidants. Organic sweet potatoes are an added bonus because they are nutrient-rich, so opt for these the next time you want to add something nutritious and tasty to your meal.

Wild salmon wins

Fish is a definite super food in the exercise stakes, with salmon being a prime example. Salmon is loaded with protein (it contains about 25 grams in every 100 gram serving) and also has many other healthy nutrients that score points when it comes to heart health. When eating out at restaurants, ask the waiter if the salmon you wish to order is wild or farm-raised – and opt for wild because it’s healthier for you. It’s also your best bet when building muscle because it contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein which the farm-raised salmon lacks.

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