Making sense of climate change

While climate change has recently become a new buzz word, many are still left wanting when it comes to understanding the magnitude of the phenomenon.

A new, free app for iPhones and iPads called Just Science, aims to change this. The app translates the science part of climate change into layperson´s terms.

The app takes two centuries of data from the comprehensive Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST) study, then converts it into a color-coded moving map that shows how today´s monthly temperatures compare to historical averages since 1800. The result, according to developer Nick Orenstein, is a gradual, everyday reminder of what´s happening to the planet.

“When a user curls up with his iPad on the couch or pulls out her iPhone at a coffee shop, their attention is focused and their mind is open for information input,” Orenstein told Skeptical Science. “Do it right, and the result is a ´eureka´ moment of lasting understanding that no politician, pundit, or preacher could refute.”

To download the app, click here.


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