Bellbottoms antique store in Pretoria

Bellbottoms is one of Pretoria’s best kept secrets. This shop can keep everyone – from serious antique dealers and collectors to hippies, vintage clothing bargain hunters and vinyl lovers, busy for hours.

Situated on the corner of Pierneef Street and 30th Street in the leafy suburb of Weaverly, you could easily pass this store 100 times without giving it a second look. It’s situated next to a liquor store and corner shop and it looks like a junky furniture store from outside.
The moment you walk in, however, you enter a world that seems to belong in the 1940’s, with everything from ancient medicine bottles (that you yourself probably won’t recognise unless you’re 60+), jukeboxes and wall-to-wall antiques.


Badges, tins, brass and copper

What makes Bellbottoms a truly unique antique store is the atmosphere. If you’ve ever thought clothing stores are “too cramped” or full, you will be surprised at how well the two story Bellbottoms store pulls off a shop crammed to 150% with goods. There are badges and flags hanging every square metre of the ceiling and every last piece of shelf space is occupied with antiques and collectables. Paintings and other large items need to rest on the floor (in front of glass cabinets filled with more goods).
The top floor (which is more of a loft) is dedicated to clothing. I remember seeing some really cool vintage hats and jacket at Bellbottoms a few years ago, but when I popped into the store recently the cloth selection was mainly limited to shapeless dresses, school blazers and a few party hats.

Novelty items

Besides every type of collectable you can imagine (including China tea sets, old army gear and ancient razors), Bellbottoms also boasts a few novelty items. In the middle of the shop you will see a Jukebox that can play golden oldies like The Beatles, The Hollies and The Foundations and you will also see a candy machine that looks like something you would’ve spent all your pocket money on as a child.

There’s also an old cash register (this doesn’t really get used for payments and you will be happy to know that you can pay with your plastic debit and credit cards) and an entire section of the shop is dedicated to old wooden furniture.

Bellbottoms is one of the quaintest, appealing and legendary antique stores in Pretoria. If you’re ever passing through Weaverly or the Moot area of the city, make sure to stroll down Pierneef Street to check it out!

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