H+Bag Sustainable Hanger Bag

hanger bag

Left your reusable tote at home? Here’s a solution that’s good for more than lining your recycling bin. The “H+Bag” sustainable hanger bag is a paper carrier that transforms into a clothes hanger for your purchase.

The innovative concept is the brainchild of three Kyunghee University students who found both sides of the “paper or plastic” conundrum equally unsatisfying. “In order to face against [the] environmental problem, instead of plastic bags, paper bags have been activated by [clothing retailers],” write Younha Hwang, Hyojun Jeon, and Minjae Kwan in their proposal for the 2012 IF Design Talents Awards. “However, it was also proven ineffective since customers throw them away after using them once. This causes another problem with wasting natural resources.”


Converting the H+Bag from nondescript carryall to functional clotheshorse requires only the most rudimentary of paper-folding skills. (Easy-to-follow graphic instructions make repurposing the bag a cinch.) Torn from the bag, the reinforced bottom forms a loop and hook. The body of the bag, folded into thirds and twisted in the middle, feeds through the aforementioned loop to become the hanger’s shoulders.

“Don’t stack shopping bags in a corner anymore,” the designers say. “You can transform shopping bags into hangers. It is a little start making the Earth beautiful.”

hanger bag

Via ecouterre

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