Water Wise Tips to Staying Hydrated this Summer

water wise tips

With the heat on its way, dehydration can sneak up on you without you even realising it. Here are some water wise tips to staying hydrated this summer.

Tall glass of water

It’s especially important to stay hydrated when you work out. Drink water before, during and after exercise. Stick to this rule: have a gulp every 15-20 minutes. But staying hydrated is not just about water – top up on the right foods too. Fresh produce contains high levels of water – an apple, for example, contains up to 85% of water! Choose fruits and veggies to help keep you feeling fresh all day.

To bottle or not to bottle?

When choosing water, you might be in the habit of grabbing your favourite mineral water bottles from the fridge when grocery shopping, but how eco-friendly is this? Not very much!

Plastic not fantastic

If you just look at mineral bottle packaging, you’ll see that it is not a green option. All that plastic can only be recycled a few times before it ends up in landfills.

Chemicals in your water

What doesn’t help the issue is that you can only re-use the bottles so many times before they start to release chemicals from the plastic, such as Bisphenol A (BPA). This is an endocrine disrupter that leaks out into the water, posing many health dangers.

Getting the plastic bottles to your fridge

There’s also the issue of transport. In order to send the bottles to you and refrigerate them, fossil fuels need to be burned. This process gives off greenhouse gases which are not good for the environment. According to WWF, it takes three litres of water to produce just one litre of bottled water!

Go green tips for plastic

If you insist on using mineral water, try to limit how many bottles you purchase. For instance, buy larger bottles that will last longer and result in less plastic being used over time. Also choose mineral water bottles that contain less plastic. For instance, ones that don’t have fancy plastic caps. Finally, try to become more creative with plastic bottles when you can no longer re-use them. Turn them into vases for flowers or fill them with coins and use them as weights.

Start using green bottles

The greenest option is to forget plastic altogether and start getting into the habit of using eco-friendly water bottles. These are made from sustainable products which can be re-used without becoming waste.

  1. FLOW: FLOW bottles are made from 100% stainless steel, they are toxin-free as well as BPA-free. They are also easy to clean. Although sustainable, the bottles are fully recyclable should you ever want to dispose of them.
  2. K-Way Explore Stainless Steel Bottle: This is eco water bottle is also made from stainless steel and has an internal plastic straw as well as a handy spout for on-the-go hydration.

What is the greenest water?

Try to use tap water as much as possible. In a recent SA survey by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), it was found that 81 percent of urban South Africans see their tap water as being safe to drink. South African water institutions are considered to offer some of the highest quality drinking water in the world.

However, you might not feel 100% happy with using tap water. Maybe the thought of substances like chlorine and chloramines put you off. Although such chemicals help to kill off any bacteria lingering in water, they can cause an unpleasant taste. If this is how you feel, there is always the option of installing a water filter in your home.

Filter it!

There are various types that can be a good choice for ensuring safe and clean water, depending on your budget and water usage.

Types of filters

There are various options of water filters available, such as counter top filters, and whole house water purifiers, to mention two types. A counter top filter is easy to install and portable, so it’s a good option if you want something simple. On the other hand, whole house purification systems do cost a bit more but they offer cleaner water for all your household tasks. Check out Filter Shop for water filter products.

A bottle and filter in one!

A great idea is to combine eco bottles with a water filter. Bobble Water Bottle is a trendy and reusable bottle that filters water as you drink it! It uses a replaceable carbon filter that cleans water as it passes through it, removing chlorine and contaminants. It’s great to use because it prevents you from having to purchase plastic bottles and it purifies water as you need it. All you must do is replace the carbon filters every two months or so. The bottle is also made in an eco way, being free of BPA, PVC and Phthalates.

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