SNAGs have more fun


Sensitive New Age Guys, or SNAGs, are on the up while the cowboy stereotype kind of man could soon to be a thing of the past. Here Live Eco talks to some of Cape Town’s finest SNAGs about what it’s like to be a sensitive guy in today’s world:

Misha Teasdale of Greenpop

What does it mean to you to be a Sensitive New Age Guy?

“To me, being a sensitive new age guy means having a balanced understanding of the world. I feel like the challenges in my early years gave me a great perspective on things and the way I see the world now. Sometimes I do feel like a cowboy and sometimes I need a cry – both are fine.”

Is it more acceptable these days for guys to be seen as caring?

“Yes it is – I think now more than ever. My hope is that it becomes more socially acceptable for people to just be who they are.”

Personal SNAG motto?

“Love woman, all woman. They are the best thing that happened to this planet!”

Advice for aspiring SNAGs?

“Accept that you are human and have emotions and surround yourself with people who allow for you to be yourself. Be honest with yourself and with your friends- it’s far easier that way. And remember to act like a child sometimes, don’t take the world too seriously.”

Best SNAG pick-up line?

“You are just the most delicious thing in the whole universe and if I didn’t know any better I would pretty much eat you.”

Peter Daniel of Rawlicious

What does it mean to you to be a Sensitive New Age Guy?

“Sensitivity for me is about awareness. Positive emotions like joy, excitement and gratitude feel better in the body than negative ones and supporting those around me feeds the same back again. To me strength is about speaking your truth; standing for your beliefs as well as having the courage to question.”

Is it more acceptable these days for guys to be seen as caring?

“SNAG’s don’t care for arbitrary socially conditioned perspectives. But yes, many more guys are waking up to their power as directive containing energies.”

Personal SNAG motto?

“Get busy living, not living busy.”

Advice to aspiring SNAGs?

“Get real – get radically honest with yourself. Learn to truly express your unique individual being while allowing others to express theirs. Also, make it a priority to bring more love and laughter into the world.”

Tony Budden of Hemporium

What does it mean to you to be a Sensitive New Age Guy?

“Something essential to being a SNAG is having the confidence to walk your talk. But because so many men are deeply programmed to be the macho archetype, you have to be prepared for ridicule. I believe being a SNAG means overriding your ego and trying to operate from your heart. Keywords for me are empathy, consciousness, responsibility and kindness.”

Is it more acceptable these days for guys to be seen as caring?

“Although there are many more SNAGs out there I sometimes get frustrated at the rate of change. But then I look at some of our fathers, or grandfathers – at how much harder they were -and I can see how much has changed.”

Personal SNAG motto?

“Don’t destroy what you came to enjoy.”

Advice for aspiring SNAGs?

“To go up against 2000 years of patriarchal male dominance is not the easiest path. But if you’re bold enough to leave behind those that are stuck in their ways and criticise your efforts you will improve yourself. I know it sounds cheesy, but listen to your heart.”

Best SNAG pick-up line?

“My heart feels so open around you, I am sure we were lovers in a past life…do you want to regress?”

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