Avant Garde object I Judgment Day

avant garde object eco design competition

This morning we had a fabulous time judging the Avant Garde object Design Time students eco chic objects. We had a vibrant judging panel consisting of designer, Haldane Martin, Yolande Mitton, principal of Design Time; Andre Nel, sustainability manager from Pick n Pay and myself.

A big thanks to our goodie bag sponsors for treating us to some ecolicious treats: Consol, Soylites, Just Pure, Honest Chocolate, Jumé, Mioja and Esse.

The students can be extremely proud of themselves as the inaugural class of this eco design project, they have set a high standard for the competition. The judges were impressed with their designs and we look forward to unveiling the winners of Avant Garde object 2012 at The Green Expo on 24 November 2012. For those who want to come and see the designs be sure to check out the Avant Garde object exhibition at The Green Expo from 23 – 25 November at the CTICC.

Here are a few pics from this morning’s event. Enjoy!

avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging
Our fab judging panel: Haldane Martin, Yolande Mitton, Andre Nel (left to right)


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


avant garde dress judging


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