That Christmas feeling is upon us! Some of you I’m sure have already put up your Christmas tree and festive decor. In our house we usually get the tree up the week before Christmas and this year I have been looking in a couple of eco-friendly Christmas Tree ideas. Here are a couple of my favourites, found on Pinterest.
Pick up old drift wood at the beach, mount to the wall, add some decor and voila!
Upcycle any odd bits of wood around the house, just add lights.
Don’t know what to do with all those old newspapers? Fold and stack, add a star to the top.
Pot a shrub or use herbs such as rosemary, add some tinsel and then after Christmas you are left with a tree that keeps on giving!
Utilise an existing bookcase. Position books in the shape of a tree. Minimal effort required.
Find a branch from an existing tree in your garden and add some shine!