Vegetarian Christmas Dishes

It’s the season of many meat dishes and turkey usually plays a big role in what people are looking forward to eating at Christmas. Phew, as a vegetarian you might feel a little like an outsider. But don’t despair. Vegetarian Christmas dishes need not be boring. Here are some yummy ones to enjoy.

Tasty veggies

Vegetables will play quite a big role in a vegetarian Christmas so try to substitute meat dishes such as turkey or meatloaf with filling and substantial vegetable dishes. Vegetarian lasagna is a popular and nutritious idea. Adding ingredients such as mushroom and spinach help to compensate for the lack of meat. Sweet potatoes are another good option. Not only are they healthier than the white variety, but they can be scooped out and filled with onions, raisins, prunes and the sweet potato flesh itself to create a delicious meal.

Bring on the nuts

Nuts are a great source of essential fatty acids as well as nutrients such as calcium and zinc. The best thing about nuts is that they already have a place in traditional Christmas festivities. (Think roasted chestnuts.) You could make a delicious nut loaf that combines ingredients such as cranberries and parsnip for extra tastiness. Even the meat eaters are sure to love this recipe! Check out how to make this nut loaf here.

What about the turkey?

You might wonder how to replace the turkey, which is usually the centerpiece of a Christmas feast. But you don’t need to worry because a vegetarian wellington is a great substitute and it can be the main meal of the day. Wellington is basically puff pastry filled with cheese and other ingredients (for instance vegetables or nuts). Check this website for a great nut recipe and go here for a vegetable option.

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