Eco-friendly Gift Wrapping Ideas

eco-friendly gift wrapping

Your gifts might be green, but what about their wrapping? Sometimes the regular stuff can’t always be re-used and it will probably get tossed into the bin once the gifts have been opened. Here are some creative, eco-friendly ways to wrap gifts this festive season.


You will be surprised at what can be used as fun wrapping. Old newspapers or magazines that are lying around the house can make simple and easy wrapping. The whole point is to make use of things that you already have, thus saving you from having to buy new wrapping and preventing waste in the process.

Wrapped in Wardrobe

Your wardrobe is probably the last place you’d search when seeking out gift wrapping, but you’ll be surprised at what you can find in there. Decorated scarves that you no longer wear can be great to wrap gifts in and then tie with a pretty ribbon. Likewise, a small belt can be fun to tie around a gift, preventing the need for accents such as fancy bows or ribbons.

Courtesy of Your Kitchen

Sometimes you want pretty additions to your gift wrapped goods, and there are some fun eco-friendly alternatives to bows that will add an original touch to your gifts. You can get some fabulous inspiration right from your kitchen. For instance, bow-tie pasta can be cute as bows, while sprigs of herbs can be nice decorative accents on gifts.

Double Duty

Another fun idea is to make the wrapping part of the gift. For instance, if you’re giving your friend a pampering gift basket, swathe it in a luxurious towel that works as both wrapping and forms a second gift. Another idea is to place jewelry in a decorative box that will come in handy as storage for all your friend’s treasured trinkets for years to come. Bonus points for sustainability!

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