Penelope Cruz shuns fur


Spanish beauty, Penelope Cruz is turning a cold shoulder to fur. The actress has teamed with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals for an anti-fur campaign.She´s appearing in a new PETA ad, which is being displayed on a 70-foot billboard that went up in New York on Wednesday.

Green love getaways


You don’t need to book yourselves into a lavish five-star hotel or jet-set to a wondrous location in order to make the most of Valentine’s Day this year. Here are some fun, practical eco-friendly ways you and your partner can grab that holiday feeling. Turn your home into a ro

Get Him Green


You’re all about living green and making sure that the clothes you wear are eco-friendly. Your boyfriend on the other hand doesn’t spare much thought for what goes on his body. When it comes to eco-fashion, you couldn’t be further apart from each other!