Get To Know Your Eco Human Rights!

eco human rights

It’s almost Human Rights Day and the perfect time to think about your rights, not just as a person but as a green being!

Here are some eco-friendly human rights to make your mantra this month and beyond.

1. You Have the Right to Protect Yourself

Being green means living in a way that ensures your health. This could include using green products that do not contain harmful chemicals which can lead to illness. It also means that you have the right to educate yourself on the dangers of non-green products so that you are well-informed to protect yourself. Knowledge is power.

2. You Have the Right to be a Green Mom

When you make the decision to have children, you are lucky to have many more choices than your mom or grandmother had in their days. There are many green options available to ensure that you raise an eco-friendly baby. Think of eco products, such as diapers and toys that are healthier for your growing love bundle, as well as good for the earth by not putting such a strain on our resources.

3. You Have the Right to Care for the Earth

People always say they have the right to gain whatever they want from this earth, but having an eco-friendly state of mind means that we should also be taking care of the earth and its beings: animals and plant life that sustain us. By living a greener life, you make it your mission to send things like global warming into decline.

4. You Have the Right to a Healthy Relationship

When it comes to human rights, we all have the right to be treated with dignity. Women’s rights on the other hand is about being respected. Your eco human rights can bring a bit more fun to your relationship, with a greener sex life that ensures the health of you and your partner, but is also kind to the earth. For instance, with the use of green goodies in the bedroom.

5. You Have the Right To Choose What You Eat

Food is the basis of life, but it plays a huge role in your lifestyle choices. Think of all the food you might eat in a week, month or year and how that impacts the world. You have the eco human right to choose to be vegetarian or vegan, and by doing this you lead a greener diet that makes a huge difference in lowering your carbon footprint.

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