Open Streets Cape Town: Harrington Street

open streets cape town


On 28 March 2013OPEN STREETS CAPE TOWN will host its third Walk&Talk event along Harrington St., in partnership with the Laneways Lab. The Walk will begin at the Harrington Square at 17.30 pm and will address the opportunities and challenges Harrington Street faces in facilitating the activation of public spaces in the area.

Previous Walk & Talk events, namely on Bree Street and Albert Road, have successfully engaged residents, planners and streets activists on issues of mobility, safety, community integration and new infrastructure, and particularly the role of streets in improving Cape Town’s public spaces.

The aim of the Walk&Talk Series 2013 is to compile our findings and build a better understanding of the challenges faced in different parts of the city. OPEN STREETS CAPE TOWN will distribute this information to all interested parties, to create greater awareness of how streets can better serve residents and businesses, and to encourage the participation of all who use Cape Town’s streets.

OPEN STREETS CAPE TOWN is part of the international movement to transform streets into more inclusive public places for city residents. The local initiative advocates for the adoption of Open Streets principles and encourages residents and businesses to contribute to making Cape Town a great city for all.

The Laneway Lab is a collective of people in Cape Town with the vision to have a network of vibrant lanes throughout the city by bringing back life to forgotten lanes in and around the Central City.

Where: Harrington Square

When: Thursday, 28 March, 17:30- 19:30p.m

 Please RSVP by email

 For details see our Facebook page or contact us at or on twitter @openstreetsCT.

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