5 Winter Warming Foods

When the weather gets cold, it’s natural to want to boost your body heat with delicious food. But this doesn’t have to pile on the pounds! Here are some tips to choosing heat-generating foods to keep you cosy this winter.

1. Whole Grains

Foods such as brown rice, oats and brown bread help to create warmth in the body because they are complex carbohydrates. These are essential to fuel your body when it’s cold, but they also contain B Vitamins and selenium. Such nutrients help to keep your thyroid and adrenal glands working well.

2. Soya

This is a great source of protein for vegetarians that should form part of your eating plan. Soya helps to raise blood pressure and keep the body feeling warm during the colder months. It’s nutritious and also comforting because it’s filling.

3. Soup

Of course hot soup is a great way to make you zap cold from your body, but it also has that comforting element to it which helps to warm you psychologically. Make soups more nutritious and delicious by adding croutons and vegetables to them. The more nutrients the better as you’ll also be warding off colds and flu that go around in winter.

4. Spices and Ginger

Sprinkle cinnamon on your cereal or soy milk for a soothing treat. Throwing some pepper onto your pumpkin soup can also add some zing to it. Spices help to boost your metabolism and generate body heat. Another winter must is ginger. It is hailed for helping to beat conditions such as nausea, but it also generates heat in the body. Make a delicious ginger and honey tea to replace highly caffeinated drinks that dehydrate your body of water.

5. Get More Iron

Foods that are rich in iron, such as leafy green vegetables, help your body to make the thyroid hormone which stimulates heat production. Add spinach, asparagus and broccoli to your soups, stir fries and baked vegetable dishes.

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