Prevent Dry Hair This Winter

prevent dry hair

Your hair is one of the most beautiful things about you – treat it well to prevent dry hair and ensure it looks glamorous all winter!

There is nothing worse than being stuck with dry, brittle hair. Thanks, winter (not). But just because the elements are trying to wreak havoc on your tresses, it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing you can do about it.

Close the door, tell your hot date to reschedule and enjoy some DIY treatments that will put the crown back on your crowning glory.

Shine and Vinegar

Vinegar is a great hair conditioner. It cleans hair while boosting its shine status. Vinegar is also great for tackling dandruff which is often part of having dry hair. Massage vinegar into your scalp before you wash your hair with shampoo. Another way to use vinegar is to mix two cups of water and half a cup of vinegar, and then rinse hair with this blend. Use vinegar once or twice a week in your hair care regimen.

Bye-Bye, Brittle Hair!

Maybe you regularly battle with dry hair or it sneakily crept up on you. Whatever the case, you need a more intensive solution.  A great organic treatment is to mix together three eggs, two tablespoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of vinegar. Apply the mixture to your hair before you shampoo it, making sure to cover your hair with a plastic cap, and sit with it on for half an hour. This mixture fights dullness that is often associated with dry hair, while nipping dryness in the bud.

Eat Your Vitamins

What you eat plays an important role in keeping your hair healthy. Make sure you top up on Vitamins such as A, C, B and E to prevent dry hair. Your diet should therefore consist of lots of fruits and vegetables, nuts, fortified cereals and fish.

Winter Hair Products for Healthy Hair

Never skimp on conditioner as this is an important part of preventing (and treating) dry hair. When you have finished washing your hair with a natural shampoo such as Pure Beginnings Shampoo, use a conditioner that is boosted with moisturising elements for the dryer, colder months. A natural conditioner to try is African Organics that contains Marula oil to reduce dryness and breakage.

Don’t forget about your scalp! Unhealthy scalps can cause dandruff and since they lack moisture, hair will follow suit.  The Body Shop Ginger Anti-Dandruff Shampoo doesn’t have the harsh chemicals often found in regular anti-dandruff products, plus it’s got refreshing ginger and honey to soothe your scalp.

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