‘You’re NOT invited!’ Would You Send a Wedding Non-Invite?

wedding non-invite

It’s become a recent wedding trend: sending people a wedding non-invite to your wedding, which informs them not to attend! Cringe!

What’s it about?

It seems narcissistic and quite nasty at first, but some say this crazy trend is all about brides and grooms having tight budgets and therefore not being able to invite everyone. Sometimes they don’t want to let the person feel ignored, so they’ll send them an anti-invite to inform them of the situation.

Is this really necessary?

Okay, so brides might panic about not having enough of a wedding budget to invite that quirky friend, distant family member or colleague, so they could reckon that it’s better to let those people know they are not invited rather to ignore them outright. Otherwise, it can be embarrassing to face the person afterwards, especially if you work with them or they belong to your extended social circle.

However, perhaps ignoring the whole thing instead of making it obvious that the person is not invited could still be better wedding etiquette. It’s worth considering that, chances are, the person receiving the non-invite would be even more upset at receiving a note telling them not to attend than if you had not contacted them at all!

From an eco-friendly point of view, sending out paper non-invites is not very green at all.

Find Ways to Invite Everyone

If there’s someone you don’t like, then you really don’t need to send them an invite or a wedding non-invite! It’s your wedding, after all. On the other hand, for those guests that you want to invite, try to find ways to lengthen your wedding budget so everyone makes it onto the guest list. Here are some tips:

1. Consider Breakfast or Afternoon Receptions

These can be more affordable because the meals are usually lighter, plus people are less likely to consume a lot of alcohol during a day wedding.

2. Use What’s in Season and Local Goods

When your caterer uses what is locally produced and in season, this can be more economical. The same goes with your choice of flowers!

3. Social Circle Inspiration

Get help from talented, creative friends! Got a friend who makes divine cakes, is successful as a photographer or works as a make-up artist? Enlist their services for the day!

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