Avant Garde dress Jury Session {Round 1}

avant garde dress

Today we sat for Round 1 with our Avant Garde dress judging panel: Poppy Evans, ELLE magazine SA’s Senior Fashion Director, Kerry Bell from CTFC, myself, Sabrina Schenk from vida e caffè and Stephanie Wolhuteringgs from Pick n Pay; to select our Top 10 finalists.

Armed  with our complimentary caffe’s in hand we got stuck into the tough task of sifting through the 36 student submissions. Having opened up the competition this year to all the fashion design schools in Cape Town, has proved a great success and we were impressed with many of the entries from this year’s 2nd year students from the competing schools.

We have now selected the Top 10 finalists for Avant Garde dress 2013 and will be publishing them here on Friday, 30 August 2013 so watch this space!

Thanks again to Cape Town Fashion Council for hosting us this morning. Here are a few pics from this morning’s session.

avant garde dress


avant garde dress
Fueled by vida e caffè


avant garde dress


avant garde dress


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