Meet Julia Bass {Avant Garde dress Top 10 Finalist}

Meet our next Avant Garde dress Top 10 finalist, Julia Bass. This CPUT student believes in intelligent fashion and her Avant Garde dress design was inspired by hip hop amongst other things.

Meet Julia…

What was your initial reaction to hearing the news that you had made the cut?

We had so much work that week that at first I didn’t really register. It was a pleasant surprise. Half an hour later I was happy and excited.

Tell us a little more about your ‘RESILIENCE’ look. What inspired you?

I’m very inspired by streetwear I was looking at online, a combination of grunge and Hip Hop cultures. I was looking at photographs of people who act tough in a harsh environment but are actually just so fragile.

What challenges have you experienced by adhering to the competition principles of upcycling and only using eco-friendly dyeing techniques?

I feel I really embraced the principles. Second-hand shopping is one of my favorite things to do so I knew what there was and where to get exactly what I wanted. The hardest thing was to buy jeans to cut up. I had to make sure they weren’t my size or I would just keep them.

One thing we should know about you as a designer?

I think fashion should be and is intelligent but a lot of people don’t realize.

What did you want to be growing up?

The yellow Power Ranger, Xena, Princess Warrior or Baby Spice.

Name one local designer who inspires you? And internationally? 

Locally, the Smarteez really inspire me. They really grasp what is the “New South Africa” without any clichés.

Internationally, Aitor Throup really inspires me to push my technicality to new bounds and be intelligent in what you design. It’s the perfect combination of concept, art and retail.

Do you currently make sustainable choices when it comes to fashion?

I buy 90% of my clothes second hand.

What, in your view as a consumer, are the challenges to making sustainable fashion choices locally?

I don’t know why more people don’t shop second hand. There is incredible clothing there. I think few South Africans take a real interest in what they where. They will see what, either, is cheapest or easiest and just buy that. If they want a certain look that they saw on a blog or a magazine, then they will just go out and buy that look.

Why do you think there are so few ethically and eco- minded designers locally?

If people are not looking to buy sustainably then it is hard for a designer to exist without a market.

I can’t start my day without…

Tripping over the massive pile of clothes on my floor.

Currently playing on your iPod…

Hip Hop instrumental tracks

My own style is…

Interactive. My friend once told me I dressed like a time traveller. I buy things that I find special and unique without trying to stick to one particular look. If there is a particular trend I like, I will try recreate it in my own way.

Name 5 celebs (dead or alive) you would most like to invite over for a dinner party?

Claire Boucher (aka Grimes), Juergen Teller, Jeremy Scott, Vivienne Westwood and Noel Fielding

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

It is what it is; people are people.

Current obsession?

PVC, Youtube and Hip Hop Instrumental tracks.

Top tip when it comes to upcycling?

You can get brilliant and unusual fabrics second hand so think outside the box.

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