Meet Minette Olivier {Avant Garde dress Top 10 Finalist}

Meet Minette Olivier from CPUT, our next Avant Garde dress Top 10 finalist, an avid second hand shopper, obsessed with cats!

Meet Minette…

What was your initial reaction to hearing the news that you had made the cut?

A friend stopped me in the corridor to say congratulations, and my first reaction was, “For what?”. I had NO idea what she was talking about, and when she told, me I literally was at a loss for words and could feel my heart pounding in my chest! Next thing, I was speed walking to the computer lab to confirm that I was in fact selected as one of the top 10. I was delighted to see my work on the webpage and immediately contacted my mom and sister to tell them the great news.

Tell us a little more about your ‘RESILIENCE’ look. What inspired you?

I love the idea of upcycling old items and giving them a a second chance at life. Therefore, I also love buying second hand clothing rather than brand new items. When I visited a local Hospice, I found a fabric, that was previously used as a curtain lining. This fabric completely inspired me. It’s soft feel, the way that it drapes and the beautiful soft pink colour led to my design. It made me think about femininity and how women are beautiful, free and resilient, which is also reflected in my design.

What challenges have you experienced by adhering to the competition principles of upcycling and only using eco-friendly dyeing techniques?

I have not particularly experienced any challenges by adhering to the competition’s principles of upcycling, due to the fact that I do not have to dye my fabric.

One thing we should know about you as a designer?

I love using fabric that feels good. I want to design and make clothing that not only looks good, but feels great!

What did you want to be growing up?

At the age of 8, I was already designing my first ranges. Along the way I became interested in architecture and interior design, but at the age of 14 I was finally convinced that fashion design is my destiny.

Name one local designer who inspires you? And internationally?

Suzaan Heyns is one South African designers that truly inspires me due to her architectural, avant-garde approach to fashion as well as the drapery used in her designs. Alexander Wang is another designer who’s work I admire greatly due to the classic, yet architecturally inspired garments.

Do you currently make sustainable choices when it comes to fashion? What, in your view as a consumer, are the challenges to making sustainable fashion choices locally?

Yes, I do make sustainable choices when it comes to fashion, due to the fact that I mostly buy all my clothing at second hand and charity shops. The main challenge, as a consumer,  is the availability of sustainable fashion options. Producing organic and eco friendly garments is expensive, which leads to a small demand and thus limited sustainable fashion options.

Why do you think there are so few ethically and eco- minded designers locally?

Money is the big problem. Because the production of eco friendly products are often so expensive, less designers tend to make that their focus and area of expertise. The demand for eco friendly fashion is also out ruled by fast fashion, which is on trend and less expensive, therefore designers tend to overlook the ethical and eco friendly issues.

I can’t start my day without…

A cup of rooibos tea!

Currently playing on your iPod…

Angus & Julia Stone, Bastille, Imagine Dragons, Eagles of Death Metal, Black Keys and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.

My own style is…

My style can not be put in one box. Sometimes it is edgy or vintage and sometimes even girly.

Name 5 celebs (dead or alive) you would most like to invite over for a dinner party?

Jesus Christ, Audrey Hepburn, Steve Carrel, Jackie Burger and Chuck Norris.

Best advice you’ve ever been given?

You will reap what you sow (sew).

Current obsession?


Top tip when it comes to upcycling?

Think out of the box.


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