How Not To Ruin Your Diet this Christmas

mince pies

Mince pies, fruitcakes, and a host of other delicious foods risk turning your bathroom scale into your worst enemy. You don’t want to miss out on all the treats this season, but you also don’t want to lose all your great weight-loss progress. Here is how to get the best of both worlds.

Eat Foods that Burn Fat

Add some foods to your diet that promote fat burning – and some are really delicious too! These include turkey (a festive season staple for non-vegetarians), peanut butter (add some to your favourite Christmas cookie recipe), and nuts and fruits, such as almonds and berries that provide a sweet kick without the weight gain.

Prepare for Treats

If you are going to a Christmas party and you know you’ll have to taste your friend’s delicious chocolate cake, avoid eating any other sugars or fats prior to the event. Also workout the day before and after a treat day to make you feel that you are still on track with your weight-loss goals. The treat will feel like a reward and you’ll appreciate it even more.

Don’t Eat when Distracted

According to a study by British researchers, people who are distracted when they eat consume 10 percent more calories. Concentrate on your food instead of being side-tracked by mindless chatter, music or television, to be sure you don’t overeat.

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Choose Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is much healthier for you than light brown or white varieties. It is good for your heart, brain and blood vessels – it keeps them healthy to protect against Type 2 Diabetes. Dark chocolate contains vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and iron, and reduces unhealthy cholesterol levels in the body. If you’re baking desserts this festive season, choose to make them with dark chocolate so that you reap the health benefits.

Avoid the Extras

Often festive pudding or dessert comes with extras, such as cream or custard. Avoid these to cut down calories while still enjoying a treat. Rather add fresh organic fruits to your dessert that are healthy without the added sugars.

Read Labels!

Choose organic foods because they are healthier for you, but be warned about falling into the trap of thinking that ‘organic’ labels mean you can consume more without putting on weight. Always check the ingredients and count calories to prevent post-Christmas calorie guilt!

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