Summer Beauty Tips to Keep Your Skin and Hair Healthy While on Holiday

While you plan your summer holiday and are undoubtedly looking forward to indulging in some rest and relaxation, traveling to a different climate can sometimes wreak havoc on your skin and your hair. It’s especially important to keep your skin and hair healthy when visiting hot climates, as the heat can do more damage than good. Here are our top summer beauty tips for you to try out this holiday season.

Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen!

No matter what your skin tone, sunscreen is a must and the stronger the SPF, the better. If you’re going on holiday to a place where you’ll be swimming or have prolonged exposure to the sun, it’s definitely recommended to invest in waterproof and sweat-proof sunscreen that will last the entire day. And don’t worry about clogged pores; great advances have been made in the world of sunscreen and there are plenty of brands that will protect your skin whilst nourishing it at the same time.

For healthy hair, conditioner is key

On holiday you may be swimming in the ocean or in a chlorinated pool, both of which can leave you with dry, frazzled hair that feels crunchy and possibly even stiff. In order for your hair to get the moisture it needs, invest in a deep conditioning treatment that will provide your hair with the hydration it so desperately needs. Most deep conditioning treatments are applied and left on from anywhere from 10-30 minutes and some people prefer to cover their hair in plastic, which seals in heat and allows for deeper penetration.

So before you pack up your suitcase and hit the beaches this summer, take a trip to your local pharmacy or health store and stock up on these summer holiday must-haves. The sun can take a harsh toll on your skin and your hair, so don’t wait until the damage is already done to seek help. As mentioned earlier, people of all skin tones should wear sunscreen any time they’re in direct sunlight; it will help your skin remain healthy and smooth for years to come!

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