What Sea Levels Will Look Like by 2100

rising sea levels

We’ve heard about the scary way in which sea levels are rising due to warmer sea temperatures and melting ice. The alarming thing is that it’s set to get worse. According to an international panel of scientists, sea levels are expected to rise by three metres or more by the year 2100.

Dangers of Higher Sea Levels

The most obvious hazard of increased sea levels is that it can wipe out areas in the world. Experts predict some of the heritage sites that will be destroyed include the Statue of Liberty, Sydney Opera House and Tower of London. Some cities will also be victims, such as Naples in Italy, Bruges in Belgium and St. Petersburg in Russia. Other dangers of rising sea levels include more destructive storms and coastal flooding that could wipe out millions of people living on islands or in nations that are built on low land.

How Studying Miami Can Help

A recent report published in the Nature Communications Journal states that by the year 2020 the US city of Miami could reveal exactly how much sea levels will rise because the city is one that would be severely targeted by this global issue. By conducting research and studying sea levels, researchers could predict what is set to happen by 2100, and perhaps find ways to diminish the destruction.

What Can Be Done?

There are some ways in which we can try to stop the sea levels from rising. Reducing global warming can definitely help to alleviate the problem since carbon dioxide is one of the main offenders to the planet, increasing temperatures that melt the ice and boosting sea levels. According to a study published in the Nature Climate Change journal, decreasing air pollutants globally by 30 to 60 per cent over the next few decades would help to lower sea levels by 22 to 42 per cent by the year 2100.

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