Shailene Woodley Shares Her Eco Beauty Tips

shailene woodley eco beauty tips

The Green in Our Stars!

One of the latest celebrities to show how gorgeous being green can be is fresh-faced twenty-two year old Shailene Woodley, the star of movies such as The Fault in Our Stars and Divergent. Here are some of her eco beauty tips and tricks.

1. My Chemical-Free Romance

Smelling good is always a must, and Shailene is following the path of Hollywood stars such as Cameron Diaz who opt for natural deodorant. She skips the harmful chemicals in conventional deodorants which have been linked to health problems such as headaches, nausea, breathing difficulties and possibly even cancer. Instead, Shailene loves to use organic Lavender Poetic Pits by Living Libations.

2. Cosmetics that Care

Make-up is a must for those glam Hollywood premiers, but Shailene enjoys cosmetics with a conscience. As she told Cosmopolitan, ‘The only brand of makeup I use these days is 100% Pure. It’s been around for years. The brand makes every single product you can imagine, and they are all legitimately 100 percent pure.’ But what about days when make-up needs to be notched up? Then she’ll wear Tarte. ‘It’s the most mainstream brand I’ve found that still takes that extra step in the right direction,’ Shailene says.

3. Natural Beauty

Everyone wants whiter-than-white teeth, but beauty tricks have to be natural to get Shailene interested. She likes to do something that is known as oil pulling. What it means is that you swirl coconut oil or sesame oil in your mouth before spitting it out.  According to Shailene, it’s a great way to whiten your teeth because plaque build up is actually fat-soluble instead of water-soluble. ‘I love a natural way to heal,’ Shailene told

4. Fresh Lips

When she made an appearance on The Queen Latifah Show, Shailene spoke about how she loves to use fresh goods to make her own cosmetics products. She makes a simple yet effective lip stain and so can you. Simply roast beetroots and berries for almost an hour and then rub them on your lips once they have cooled down. An alternative way to get deliciously stained lips is to use pomegranates or cherries.

5. Beach-Inspired Hair

Hair days don’t have to be bad with this cool styling tip from Shailene that makes use of only two ingredients. She mixes sea salt with water and sprays it on her short hair. And voilà! A gorgeous summery hairstyle with no fuss or chemicals.

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