Remake Design Challenge: D-day for our 13 Finalists

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Monday and Tuesday of this week saw our 2014 Remake Design Challenge finalists present their designs to our esteemed judging panel at The Vineyard Hotel in Newlands, Cape Town. The Remake Design Challenge is a sustainable fashion and object design competition and official World Design Capital project #WDC547, organised by Live Eco and proudly brought to you by Pick n Pay, Ford Motor Company South Africa and vida e caffè.

Monday was fashion, followed by object on Tuesday. The judges were impressed with the standard of work this year and felt that the designers really built on what they had learnt at this year’s workshop, held in July, and understood that while sustainability was at the crux of this competition, their garments and objects also had to be designed well and look good in order to get noticed by the judges.

The designers were judged according to coherence to theme, creativity, sustainability, marketability and craftsmanship, all with equal weighting.

The 2014 Remake Design Challenge winners will be announced at an awards evening being held at Selections Warehouse in Cape Town on 02 October 2014.


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