Six Ways to Add Sizzle to Your Salads

salad ideas for summer

Salad is healthy and you probably want to eat more of it during the hotter months. But you don’t have to stick to boring recipes. Here are fresh ways to bring your salads to life.


Gear Up the Greens

If you’re always using the same leafy greens in your salads, such as lettuce, try using others for a change. You could use kale, spinach, broccoli or even different types of lettuce. Choose a variety to give yourself nutrients with tastes that are a little different to what you usually eat.

Add Texture

An interesting salad will have lots of different textures, such as the softness of baby tomatoes, avocado slices or Feta cheese chunks, contrasted nicely with crunchy elements. Think out the box with these, as you can add lots of tasty treats to your salad, such as nuts, raw cabbage or pieces of refreshing cucumber. The crunch also make your salads feel more satisfying!

Get Fruity

Fruits are great to add to salads in the warmer months when you want something nutritious and filling. Strawberries, bananas, pears and citrus fruit all add a delicious level of taste to an otherwise plain salad.

Give it Some Heat

Of course you don’t want salad to be anything but refreshing during the summer months, but that doesn’t mean it can’t contain some warm ingredients to take it to the next level. This could be achieved by sautéing or grilling veggies such as peppers, mushrooms or onions before adding them to the mix.

Punch it up with Protein

Protein, such as in the form of beef, tuna, salmon or pieces of chicken, can make salads more substantial. If you’re vegetarian, add boiled eggs instead. You could also drizzle nut butters onto your salad, which provides a yummy treat while being a good source of vegan protein.

Make it a Main Dish

Add a main dish, such as lentils, rice or pasta, to your salads to turn it into a more complete meal. This is a great way to top up on extra nutrients, too, while giving you a boost of energy at lunchtime so that you can beat the afternoon slump.

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