PETA Outraged with BCBG Max Azria for Selling Raccoon Dogs Fur and Angora Wool

raccoon dogs fur

PETA has released an extremely graphic video in protest of popular retailer BCBG Max Azria’s inclusion of fur from Asiatic raccoon dogs and angora wool in their clothing line. Both animal-derived products have been proven to be extremely unethical. PETA has released this video in hopes that customers will choose to bypass BCBG when shopping this holiday season.

WARNING: Graphic video content!

In the chilling video, PETA shows shoppers just where BCBG’s fur and angora comes from. Asiatic raccoon dogs, whose fur is often used for trim on collars and sleeves, are violently abused. The video shows footage of the raccoon dogs being beaten, or even worse, skinned alive as Chinese workers pull off fur to be turned into the latest fashions. The footage even shows one animal still alive after his skin has been removed.

Rabbits are not treated any better on fur farms in China. Instead, the video shows live rabbits having their fur literally ripped off, while they scream in pain, leaving bloody wounds all over their tiny bodies.

PETA has been successful with rallying top retailers to ban fur and angora wool, including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Limited Brands, H&M, Gap Inc and Victoria’s Secret. Hopefully the release of this video will encourage BCBG to follow suit.

Source: Ecouterre

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