Five Eco Alternatives to Confetti


Using items such as paper or plastic as your wedding confetti causes waste the planet doesn’t need. Choosing greener, more biodegradable items is a better idea, plus they can give your wedding extra personality.

1. Seed Packs

Pack some interesting flower or plant seeds in a small pack and then give them to your guests. Leave a note on the pack, telling them where to throw the seeds so that flowers will sprout there. This is especially a fun idea if you are having a wedding on your home grounds. Every time you look at the flowers, you’ll remember your special day.


Apart from plant seeds, another idea is to let the birds in the area enjoy your wedding. By using birdseed as confetti, you give them a little treat – they might even stop for a photo. The best part about using birdseed is that if it doesn’t get eaten right away, it won’t give the environment problems.

3.Flower Power

If you want to add some prettiness to your confetti, choose natural flower-based ideas. Your guests could throw colorful petals over you and your groom, or even small rosebuds. Another idea is to use pretty lavender sprigs. When flower confetti is tossed into the air or it gets in your hair, it will look gorgeous in photos.

4. Shiny Biodegradable Confetti

Some wedding venues are strict when it comes to confetti, so a biodegradable option is great, but you don’t have to miss out on its glamour factor! Using seed paper and paint that’s edible, it’s a fun and original idea. Best of all, you can even make it yourself. Here’s how.

5. Disappearing Paper

Imagine how cool it would be to use paper confetti that actually disappears? It doesn’t have to be a fantasy, thanks to the use of biodegradable paper. On the Martha Stewart site, there’s a recipe for making this DIY confetti that disintegrates when it becomes wet. You can make the confetti in a variety of shapes and colors. It gets placed into glassine packs that are torn open by your guests when it’s confetti time.

There you go! Some interesting and creative confetti ideas that will be remembered long after the wedding is over.

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