Get in Shape! How Obesity Takes Years Off Your Life


If trying to lose weight makes a regular appearance on your New Year resolution lists but it never seems to last, make this year the one in which you become fitter and more fabulous!

It sometimes helps one’s motivation levels to discover new research that shows the extent to which being overweight can harm your health. Here’s one that might get you to the gym later.

A recent study found people in the age group of 20 to 39 who had a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher had a decreased life expectancy of eight years (for men) and six years (for women). Added to this, up to 20 years of one’s life become unhealthy from being overweight, which makes sense if you think of how many chronic diseases can be caused by it (such as heart disease and various cancers). The study also found that people who were young and obese suffered from fewer healthy years than people who were older. This is said to be because the risks of obesity snowball over the years.

A recent study found people in the age group of 20 to 39 who had a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher had a decreased life expectancy of eight years (for men) and six years (for women)

Losing weight is not just about fitting into last year’s jeans and feeling confident about your body. Dropping kilos can help your future become healthier and brighter. Here are some tips to turn things around, with proper diet and exercise tips.

Try the Viking Diet

A diet that helps you control your wait is the Viking or Nordic diet. What you eat on the diet consists of wholegrain products; root vegetables along with other vegetables; fruits (berries are noted); low-fat dairy; and three servings of fish every week. A study found that people on this diet had lower activity in genes that are associated with inflammation of their abdominal fat. Since it shares similarities to the Mediterranean diet, the Viking diet can also protect against chronic disease.

Don’t Do it Alone!

If you have a lot of weight to lose it’s a good idea to be supervised by a health professional, such as a nutritionist. The benefits of this are that you can stay motivated and target any health issues that could be contributing to blocking weight loss. For instance, if you are battling with diabetes, knowing how to manage your insulin levels more effectively can help control what you eat and prevent you from piling on the pounds.

Start Small

Find ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Take the stairs instead of the lift, walk to the nearby shops instead of taking your car, and so on. This starts to get you into exercise mode and the more you do, the more you’ll want to do! If you battle with discomfort when moving around, exercises such as aqua jogging can help to make the experience easier.

Get Weights, Not Weight!

Lifting weights can help you start working off the pounds because weight training boosts your muscle activity, burning off calories. You can even lift weights while sitting down.

Be Careful with Calorie Cutting

Although you might be tempted to take a chunk out of your daily calorie intake, you should ease into it. The reason for this is that the more you weigh, the more calories you need. Getting rid of 500 or so calories from your daily eating plan is enough to help you start losing weight on a weekly basis.

Be Kind to Yourself

Your mind and body will respond better to loving thoughts and pats on the back when you succeed daily with your goals than if you’re cruel to yourself. The latter can just make you slip back into your old habits! Treat yourself with kindness and focus on the good you stand to achieve by embracing a healthier lifestyle.

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