Surprising Benefits of Exercising Outdoors  

exercising outdoors
If you want to accelerate your calorie-burning powers, head outside for a run.

Before you renew your gym membership and head to the gym every day, choose to exercise outdoors sometimes. It’s not just a great way to get some fresh air – there are proven benefits to it. Read on to find out about them.

You Increase the Calories You Burn

If you want to accelerate your calorie-burning powers, head outside for a run. The elements, such as uneven slope when running uphill, can actually work in your favour. Yes, they might make your session feel more difficult, but that means your body burns more calories. This is also a good idea if your weight-loss has reached a plateau.

You Boost Your Motivation

Don’t you just dread staring at the wall when you’re at the gym? By exercising outside, you can be stimulated by the environment, whether that includes people walking by, birds flying, or the pretty sunset. This helps the time move faster and it keeps your exercise interesting, which will increase the odds of you doing it again tomorrow. Added to this, research has shown that doing more strenuous workouts outside makes you feel it less, perhaps because you’ve got stimuli to distract you from the pain.

You Get a Mood Workout

If you feel a slump in your mood at the thought of exercising or you just feel down, outdoor workouts can help you. It was found by a study published in Extreme Physiology and Medicine  that just five minutes outside will make you feel better, so it’s great even if you don’t have much time to spend outdoors after a busy day at the office.

You Get Vitamin D Which Aids Weight Loss

Getting Vitamin D from the sun is important and not just for your overall health. Vitamin D can help you lose those extra pounds because all the cells in your body – including fat cells! – require it in order to work optimally. Your brain’s receptors also need Vitamin D to regulate your hunger cravings, meaning you won’t want to reach for that biscuit tin as much. So make sure you work out in nature where the sun will show you some love.

You Heal Quicker

Just being outside can help your body heal, so it’s worth combining a bit of nature with your daily exercise. A study by the University of Pittsburgh found that people who had undergone spinal surgery had less stress and pain – and needed less medication – when they spent time outside in the natural light. Just goes to show how exercising outdoors can help your body heal while you get a cool workout.

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