Is Climate Change Going to End the World’s Coffee Supply?

coffee climate change

If you can’t start your morning without a delicious cup of coffee, the thought that coffee supply could be at risk due to climate change is worrying. Here’s what’s causing such a stir.

Between 2002 and 2011, coffee production decreased by almost 30 percent

How Global Warming Affects Coffee

Thanks to increased temperatures, coffee supplies have already been dropping. In India alone in the years between 2002 and 2011, coffee production decreased by almost 30 percent. Coffee is affected by a variety of factors due to global warming, such as long droughts, intense rain and plant disease. Coffee plants require specific temperatures in order to flourish – slight changes can wreak havoc on them.

Recently, a horrible drought struck Brazil, destroying crops and causing coffee prices to increase by more than 50 percent. That’s another cause for concern: the more rare coffee becomes, the more expensive it will be. The drought in this region was so bad that over 100 cities in Brazil were forced to ration their water supplies.

Increase of Coffee Pests

We drink coffee without imagining what’s really going on in coffee plantations. As is the case with global warming, while some species suffer and stagnate, others thrive in the heat. One of these is the coffee berry borer. This is a small beetle that preys on coffee plants and has been given a boost thanks to how global warming has expanded its habitat. Coffee-producing regions that didn’t suffer from temperature increases were protected against the beetle, but global warming is changing that, allowing the beetle to spread to those places and feed on the plants.

Rust Disease and Chemical Risks

A disease known as coffee rust fungus is also infecting Arabica coffee plants in Central America. Although the trees can be saved, this requires the use of chemicals which can be harmful to humans. Fancy some toxins in your cuppa? We didn’t think so. This rust thrives in hot temperatures, but it’s not just Central America that is suffering from an Arabica loss: a study found that almost all of the world’s wild Arabica coffee will be targeted by rising temperatures by 2080. Scary stuff if you consider that Arabica supplies 70 percent of the world’s coffee production.

coffee climate change

If the situation doesn’t pick up, you’re going to need a new pick-me-up. Here are some healthy beverages that will boost your energy naturally.

1. Cranberry Sports Drink

They say coffee can boost your workout, but so can this DIY sports drink. It’s got carbs to keep your muscles going and electrolytes to replace the nutrients your body loses when you’re working up a sweat. You’ll need:

  • 5 cups water
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 3 cups unsweetened cranberry juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt

Simply mix together the ingredients and refrigerate.

2. Green Tea

Green tea is healthy for you and delivers a caffeine kick. Add some chia seeds or pomegranate juice to it to increase its antioxidant qualities. After letting your green tea steep, remove the bag and stir in the juice and chia seeds. If you want to enjoy it iced, let it cool before adding ice cubes to it.

3. Energy Smoothie

The next time you hit an energy slump, make an energy-boosting smoothie by blending 1/4 cup of strawberries, a handful of spinach, a small beetroot, half an avo, one banana and a cup of almond (or other nut) milk. You can also add a tablespoon of wheatgrass if you want to increase the nutrient power and give you more energy because it’s packed with B-vitamins that transform food into fuel for energy. Delicious and good for you!

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