Fitness during the Festive Season

fitness tips for the festive season
How do you find a good balance so that you don’t put on too much weight but are still able to enjoy yourself at the same time? Here are a few fitness tips to keep yourself on track.

Many people go into ‘holiday mode’ during the first or second week of December. There are so many work functions, get togethers with friends and family celebrations that the increase in alcohol consumption and eating is to be expected.

Nobody wants to gain 5 kilograms in a month, but few people are happy feeling deprived and being 100% vigilant about what they eat while everyone else seems to be focused on partying and celebrating, either. How do you find a good balance so that you don’t put on too much weight but are still able to enjoy yourself at the same time? Here are a few fitness tips to keep yourself on track:

Stick to your routine

If you go for a daily jog or do pilates three times a week, try to stick to your routine during the festive season. Cocktails, finger food and extra meals won’t be able to do as much damage to your waistline if you’re still active. You will also be less likely to overindulge at parties if you know that you’ve got a training session planned for the following morning.

Add different activities

If you’re spending time at the coast, book a surfing lesson. If you’re visiting a new city, try a new, interesting fitness class in the area. Suggest walks in the park with your family and friends or outings where you will be active during the day.

Be sociable

If you’re busy socialising, dancing and playing with the kids, you’re burning calories and spending less time at the food table. Focus on socialising instead of food at events.

Set realistic goals

Don’t repeat a mantra like “I will not put on weight this December” in your head as it will only lead to anxiety. Be flexible and set a realistic goal that will let you enjoy yourself without feeling deprived.

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