Packing for the NAIAS in Detroit, MI

2011 is finally here, Happy New Year! I don’t know about you guys but I’m super excited to see the beginning of a new year and have a feeling 2011 is going to be a cracker!

For starters, liveeco has been invited by one of North America’s biggest automotive companies, Ford, to attend the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) in Detroit, Michigan next week. I will be attending the show, courtesy of Ford, and have been lucky enough to invite another sustainable blogger to attend with me. I have chosen eco network blogger, Nelize Ernst, of Innerscience and have no doubt that the two of us are going to experience a trip of a lifetime!

I already have my eye on the Ford Escape hybrid and can’t wait to see what other green technology they have planned for release in 2011. We will also be privileged enough to test drive the latest line on Ford’s eco cars as well on Ford’s very own test track… I can’t wait! Although Detroit is currently experiencing temperatures of below freezing during the day so hopefully there will be no unplanned skidding on the track!

The Escape Hybrid

So while I spend the next few days trying to scrounge up my winter woolies (which is extremely challenging in Cape Town’s current heat wave), feel free to send through any questions you may have for Ford about their green technology and eco cars as we will be having a question and answer session with Ford’s head of sustainability so it would be excellent to have some informative questions from their South African consumers.

I will be blogging and tweeting live from the show so check back next week for all the latest green news from the NAIAS.

Catch y’all from snowy Detroit next week!


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