The Starke Effect: Bokashi Update

Poop & Kitchen – Week 3

As promised here is a bokashi update. As you´ll see from the photo´s below the dog poo I buried with bokashi doesn´t seem to be biodegrading so quickly… I´m not too sure if it´s because I didn´t sprinkle enough bokashi on it or whether the poo just doesn´t biodegrade as well as organic waste matter from the kitchen? If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know in the comments section below. Although it´s not disintegrating, it certainly has no smell so there must be something good going on down there!

But as you´ll see from the next photo, the kitchen waste is biodegrading in the way it should, you can just make out a teabag still in this image.

Has anyone started their own bokashi bin? Let me know how you are finding the process in the comments below. I am loving my bokashi bin so far. We now hardly throw away any waste in the actual dustbin, besides bones (we don´t throw the bones in the bokashi bin as we have dogs who may be tempted to dig up the buried bokashi and don´t want them choking on chicken and other smaller bones) and non-recyclable waste so have cut down massively on what goes from our kitchen into the landfills, all thanks to our new bokashi bin.

To find out more about bokashi and to purchase the actual bokashi bins, head on down to Starke Ayres.

Nics xx

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