Kitakyushu – From Grey to Green


The people of Kitakyushu are working together to create a recycling-oriented community that produces no waste The name Kitakyushu is somewhat legendary in green circles. Once a highly-polluted industrial city in Japan, it cleaned itself up, thanks to the combined efforts of citizens, industries a

Alternative energy for Africa from Freeplay


Nearly 2 billion people in the world, approximately 35% of the global population, still do not have electricity. Sub-Saharan Africa, with a population of about 350 million people, has the lowest levels of electrification in the world, where 9 out of 10 people do not have electricity. Energy and pove

H&M to launch sustainable line


Swedish retail chain H&M usually makes headlines with its designer collaborations, which in the past year ranged from Jimmy Choo to Sonia Rykiel, but this coming March, the brand has a different ace up its sleeve: the organic, yet stylish “Garden Collection”.While “ethical fashion” has been reso

Clean Green


There are five main ingredients that can be used to make all the household cleaning solutions listed below. They include:Baking soda: Cleans and deodorizes, softens water to increase the number of suds and the general cleaning power of soap.Borax: This is an excellent disinfectant, and it is also go

Imagine A World Without Fish


It´s a frightening premise and it´s happening right now. Last night I went to watch a documentary at the Labia in Cape Town, called A Sea Change. It is a beautifully shot documentary that follows the journey of retired history teacher Sven Huseby on his quest to discover what is happening to the

PUMA´s Play for Life support Biodiversity


Puma kit unites footballers Top sportswear manufacturer Puma has designed a football kit for the African continent – and as part of Puma’s Play for Life environmental initiative, the Africa Unity kit is also raising awareness among football fans about the importance of caring for the planet.Play

Edgy eco tees that have ´a lot to say´


A Lot To Say was founded by two sisters.Both having successful first careers, they wanted to do something outside of their primary businesses. Something that they could not only do together, but something that was fresh and timely and that would inspire them as well others. Both wanted to get into t

Farming for the Future


Woolies has done it again with another milestone on their Good Business Journey – Farming for the Future Woolworths and their produce farmers are pioneering a new way of farming that allows them to grow and produce sustainably, without compromising on quality or adding to the cost for the consum