Health & Fitness


Four New Chemicals Added to the Carcinogen List


Knowing what chemicals are linked to cancer is a must to keep yourself and your family protected. The United States Department of Health and Human Services regularly compiles a list of chemicals that are linked to cancer, and now they’ve added an extra four substances to it.

sweat 1000

Hop on the conveyer-belt-of-doom SWEAT 1000!


I heard about S.W.E.A.T 1000 a while ago on Twitter and recently learned that a branch opened in Brooklyn, Pretoria, so I decided to try it out. S.W.E.A.T stands for Specialised Weight Endurance Athletic Training and the 1000 refers to the number of calories you burn in the class.


Orthorexia: When Eating Healthy Becomes an Obsession


Many of us have tried different diets and we all know people who are consistently gluten-free, sugar-free, booze-free or living a strict paleo lifestyle. While some people need to follow certain strict diets (like people who have celiac disease and actually feel uncomfortable after eating something that contains gluten), others turn into complete health nuts – and not in a good way.


Why You Should Sweat it!


Dripping with sweat after an intense gym session is not just a tangible sign that you’ve made it through another calorie-burning fest (although that does feel pretty great). Sweating actually has many health benefits you might not realise.